Sadly, the third party candidate, Soypatty, received less than 1% of the vote.
Friday, November 7, 2008
Best. Race. Ever.
Bands We Want to See Play the Inauguration
The second series we're starting is a collection of bands we'd like to see play (at least some point) during the inauguration. First choice is State Radio. This band launched their Take the Country Back tour this year, and campaigned for Obama all along the way. Now, they're probably a little to critical to actually play the inauguration ball, but maybe an after party?
Thursday, November 6, 2008
People We Want to See on the Cabinet
#1: Janet Napolitano, Governor of Arizona
Now that Obama's heading to the White House, we're sharing some suggestions. As such, a couple of us have decided to start two new series on SOGAM. The first is People We Want to See on the Cabinet.
The first spot goes to Janet Napolitano, Governor of Arizona. She'd make an excellent Attorney General or Secretary of Homeland Security.
Here are the top five reasons we'd like to see her on the Cabinet:
5. She brings people together. She's a Democratic Governor who's been leading a largely conservative state for the past six years. Obama referred to her as an innovative leader, and most people really like her & like working with her.
4. She's crafty. She's not married & doesn't have any kids. One of her gubernatorial campaigns was against a conservative Mormon running a family values campaign. So, she got the Phoenix Fire Department to run her own family values commercials. Genius.
3. She's all about the team of rivals. In one of her first State of the State addresses, she reached across the aisle to Republicans, saying that she wanted to come up with policies that worked for all Arizonans. She then went on to set the state's veto record, because the Republicans didn't reach back. Since then, they've been working better together (except for the whole AZ102...what the heck happened there?).
2. She will be AWESOME on the Daily Show and EVEN BETTER on the Colbert Report. Janet regularly called into Phoenix's alternative radio station to chat with their morning show hosts. She was witty & approachable... qualities that I think we need more of in our administration. I can't wait to see her match those wits with Stewart & Colbert.
1. She needs to be groomed to succeed Obama. We seem to be moving beyond the race it's time to get over the gender thing.
For The Republican Monkeys...I'm Sure There Are One Or Two
Sometimes over the last eight years, when despair would fall over me and my liberal friends because George Bush was in office, we had a ritual to cheer us back up. It was vodka. But then in 2006, this happened.
There is no bad mood this clip cannot get you out of. When people say "comedy gold", this is what they mean. So if you're a Republican *cough*why*cough*, and you're in a bit of a funk over the new President, feel free to use this to snap out of it. Join us in the happy place, won't you?
Oh, and Scrubs will be back on ABC in January.
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Everything Is Different, And Some Things Are The Same
After two years, a billion dollars, and record breaking...well, everything, Barack Obama is the President Elect of the United States. An African American with a Muslim name in his first term of the Senate who believes deeply in an idealistic viewpoint of the country. Everything feels different - it makes you believe in our greatest possibilities. I texted a friend last night and tried to sum it up, and all I could write was "There's hope for us yet."
And if there is hope, let it not only bring our new President success, let it bring our country to the point where they realize that being gay is not a choice. That to be gay is to be just as human and just as American and just as protected by our Constitution. That to take away the right to be married is an act of hatred, not protection. And that everyone deserves the right to legally bond with the person they want to grow old with. California, Florida, and Arizona denied those truths.
So I hope you celebrated last night, because to steal from Kushner, the great work has begun.
And here was the speech that laid it all out before us last night. It was, in a word, phenomenal. More words: uplifting, determined, beautiful, hopeful, transcendent.
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
It's Gonna Be A Long Night... it's either laughter, or hyperventilating in a paper bag. Laughs it is!
If you haven't already: Vote, or be considered a fuckhead.
Wilco Will Love You Baby...
Jeff Tweedy stopped by the Colbert Report the other night & performed this little ditty with his band Wilco. I think my favorite part, however, was when Tweedy talked about being on the campaign trail with Obama. Colbert asked him if Wilco was going to play the inauguration. He laughed & said that they'd asked Obama that question back in 2005. Obama's response? "If Hillary invites you." My how things have changed...
Monday, November 3, 2008
Charles Meets Barack
Valjean said it best - one day more.