Friday, September 5, 2008

Didja Hear? John McCain was tortured!

And after enduring the circle jerk that was the Republican convention, so was I.

A good roundup of the various news outlets response to the speech can be found at the Huffington Post. Consensus is: Boring, off from the message of every other speech, good job on the torture story, boring.

My quick thoughts: You can't have two days of Republicans frothing at the mouth to see who could be more vicious towards Sen. Obama to then turn around and talk about bipartisanship. It doesn't work that way. And also, the policy portion sucked and was exactly like the Bush White House. And your torture does not qualify you for the highest office in the world, any more than Gov. Palin's "executive experience" qualifies her to be Vice President.

Finally, this morning, amid stories on your speech was the announcement that the US Unemployment Rate is up again. It's not torture, it's the economy, stupid.

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