Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Cloris Leachman is Baller

So I know it's a major show, but I think it's terrible. I've watched Dancing With The Stars twice, and both times involved me staring at Apollo Anton Ono's perfect ass. However: Cloris Fucking Leachman. Umm...LOVE HER.

She's 82 years old, and maybe because of that she doesn't give a shit what she says anymore. Not that she ever did, anyway, this is a woman who's career is long and successfull and involved Mel Brooks. ("Olvatine?") So in general, the producers, judges, and hosts of DWTS seem horrified by Cloris and her antics. And her language. And her mugging for the camera.

It's awesome, she's awesome, and I urge you all to vote for her if only to see Samantha Harris have to deal.

Here's Cloris: Watch this and tell me she isn't God's Gift to reality TV. Someone needs to give this woman a show of her own stat.

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