Thursday, October 2, 2008

Your Biden / Palin Drinking Game Rules!

*Disclaimer: This drinking game is recommended to be played with beer. One does not want a repeat of that kid in Iowa with the vodka and The West Wing. Long story short: a few pedi-conferences into a two part episode, kid died. We don't want that - you can kill yourself with drinking after the election.

Wall Street to Main Street - 1 Drink

Non-answer to direct question - 2 Drinks

Recitation of world leaders names to prove someone (Palin) can pronounce them - 1 Drink per Name

Recitation of Supreme Court Decisions to prove someone (Palin) knows them - 1 Drink per case, 2 Drinks specifically for Marbury v. Madison

Lipstick - 2 Drinks

Biden actually growling - 1 Drink

Any variation of the phrase "We don't need four more years of the last eight" - 2 Drinks

Mentions of "experience" - 1 Drink if it's a positive mention, 2 drinks if it's a negative mention

The phrase "Joe Six Pack" - 1 Drink

Any suggestion to invade/bomb/attack another country - 3 Drinks

Abortion question - Drink until they're done talking about abortion

Biden sighing audibly/shaking his head regretfully/biting his lip sadly (aka the Gore/Kerry/Clinton) - 1 Drink

Slam against Alaska - 2 Drinks

Slam against Delaware - 2 Drinks

Slam against Washington - 3 Drinks

Gwen Iffil having to chastise someone - 1 Drink

Anytime Biden goes over his allotted time - 1 Drink

Anytime Palin goes under her allotted time - 1 Drink

Anytime Palin says "As Governor of Alaska, I...." - 2 Drinks

Anytime Biden references something that happened before Palin was born - 2 Drinks

Any story about someone they met on the campaign trail - Chug

Good luck! Buy plenty of beer, and if you happen to run out, feel free to substitute banging your head against the wall. It's what Hillary's going to do.

Add your own suggestions in the comments.

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