Monday, October 6, 2008

A Reason To Watch Hardball: Funny Signs

So normally the signs that gather behind Chris Matthews are the usual drivel - Change, Country First, blah blah blah.

A group of industrious Washington University students finally saw the traveling Hardball show for what it is - an opportunity to create new slogans, for a new time.

Tire Swings Are Not Toys. Truer words have never been waved. Unless, of course, you refer to the next banner of free speech:

Who amongst us doesn't NEED a nap? The way we need a BAILOUT and CHANGE? This is discourse, people.

Is the "chair" social security? Is it medicare? Or is it the process itself?

This one is a little difficult to read, needless to say that by the time you figure it out, you are stuck by its truth: Shawshank Redemption got screwed at the Oscars. Just like us, the little guy getting screwed by Republican interests, the story of two prisoners searching for redemption got bent over and robotically nailed by George Bush's favorite movie, Forrest Gump.

This is a process called Rickrolling - using the timeless lyrics of Rick Astley in any given scenario. However, let's take a deeper look: Never gonna give you up, never gonna let you down. What does that mean? It's obvious, people.

Obama wins Colorado.

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