So at the Step One: Get A Monkey Headquarters (a small, hidden shack deep inside Central Park), there have been several things that have limited our posting capabilities. "Real life", this "economy" thing, threats from outside forces about "blogging on the clock".... it's been hell, I tell ya.
But the good news is that a plan is in the works to get the site back up to daily snark minimums. So go have a good December, my little monkeys, and we will unveil the new site in January.
Smooches and Flinging Poo,
Mon Chi Chi
Saturday, December 6, 2008
Sad Monkey: Where the Hell Have We Been?
Friday, November 7, 2008
Best. Race. Ever.
Sadly, the third party candidate, Soypatty, received less than 1% of the vote.
Bands We Want to See Play the Inauguration
The second series we're starting is a collection of bands we'd like to see play (at least some point) during the inauguration. First choice is State Radio. This band launched their Take the Country Back tour this year, and campaigned for Obama all along the way. Now, they're probably a little to critical to actually play the inauguration ball, but maybe an after party?
Thursday, November 6, 2008
People We Want to See on the Cabinet
#1: Janet Napolitano, Governor of Arizona
Now that Obama's heading to the White House, we're sharing some suggestions. As such, a couple of us have decided to start two new series on SOGAM. The first is People We Want to See on the Cabinet.
The first spot goes to Janet Napolitano, Governor of Arizona. She'd make an excellent Attorney General or Secretary of Homeland Security.
Here are the top five reasons we'd like to see her on the Cabinet:
5. She brings people together. She's a Democratic Governor who's been leading a largely conservative state for the past six years. Obama referred to her as an innovative leader, and most people really like her & like working with her.
4. She's crafty. She's not married & doesn't have any kids. One of her gubernatorial campaigns was against a conservative Mormon running a family values campaign. So, she got the Phoenix Fire Department to run her own family values commercials. Genius.
3. She's all about the team of rivals. In one of her first State of the State addresses, she reached across the aisle to Republicans, saying that she wanted to come up with policies that worked for all Arizonans. She then went on to set the state's veto record, because the Republicans didn't reach back. Since then, they've been working better together (except for the whole AZ102...what the heck happened there?).
2. She will be AWESOME on the Daily Show and EVEN BETTER on the Colbert Report. Janet regularly called into Phoenix's alternative radio station to chat with their morning show hosts. She was witty & approachable... qualities that I think we need more of in our administration. I can't wait to see her match those wits with Stewart & Colbert.
1. She needs to be groomed to succeed Obama. We seem to be moving beyond the race it's time to get over the gender thing.
For The Republican Monkeys...I'm Sure There Are One Or Two
Sometimes over the last eight years, when despair would fall over me and my liberal friends because George Bush was in office, we had a ritual to cheer us back up. It was vodka. But then in 2006, this happened.
There is no bad mood this clip cannot get you out of. When people say "comedy gold", this is what they mean. So if you're a Republican *cough*why*cough*, and you're in a bit of a funk over the new President, feel free to use this to snap out of it. Join us in the happy place, won't you?
Oh, and Scrubs will be back on ABC in January.
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Everything Is Different, And Some Things Are The Same
After two years, a billion dollars, and record breaking...well, everything, Barack Obama is the President Elect of the United States. An African American with a Muslim name in his first term of the Senate who believes deeply in an idealistic viewpoint of the country. Everything feels different - it makes you believe in our greatest possibilities. I texted a friend last night and tried to sum it up, and all I could write was "There's hope for us yet."
And if there is hope, let it not only bring our new President success, let it bring our country to the point where they realize that being gay is not a choice. That to be gay is to be just as human and just as American and just as protected by our Constitution. That to take away the right to be married is an act of hatred, not protection. And that everyone deserves the right to legally bond with the person they want to grow old with. California, Florida, and Arizona denied those truths.
So I hope you celebrated last night, because to steal from Kushner, the great work has begun.
And here was the speech that laid it all out before us last night. It was, in a word, phenomenal. More words: uplifting, determined, beautiful, hopeful, transcendent.
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
It's Gonna Be A Long Night... it's either laughter, or hyperventilating in a paper bag. Laughs it is!
If you haven't already: Vote, or be considered a fuckhead.
Wilco Will Love You Baby...
Jeff Tweedy stopped by the Colbert Report the other night & performed this little ditty with his band Wilco. I think my favorite part, however, was when Tweedy talked about being on the campaign trail with Obama. Colbert asked him if Wilco was going to play the inauguration. He laughed & said that they'd asked Obama that question back in 2005. Obama's response? "If Hillary invites you." My how things have changed...
Monday, November 3, 2008
Charles Meets Barack
Valjean said it best - one day more.
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Friday, October 31, 2008
Is It Just Me ...
... or is this picture of Meredith Viera dressed as Pinocchio fuckin' creepy?!
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Somebody Has Lost Their Damn Minds Over At Lionsgate
Background: Matt Weiner is the guy who created Mad Men. He's the showrunner. He's the guy who RUNS THE SHOW. And since his contract is up, he's asked for a new salary: 10 million per year, plus control over some of the promotion of the show. This is not too crazy - certainly just an opening salvo for a show that's on basic cable...but it's also the first basic cable show to win a crapload of Emmy's.
Lionsgate, the company that produces the show and puts in on AMC, has decided in response to start seeing who they could replace Matt Weiner with.
THIS IS MADNESS. (That was an unfortunate pun, but I'm upset) Need I remind Lionsgate what happens when a show loses his creator??? I'm still willing to pay someone to kill John Wells for what he did to the West Wing after Aaron Sorkin got booted. What would The Soprano's have been without David Chase? What would Hill Street Blues have been without Steven Bochco? What would any show about lawyers with Tourettes be without David E. Kelley?
Mad Men is brilliant and thought out and has been AMC's chance to overtake the original programming of FX, Lifetime, et. al. They shouldn't ruin that. Jackasses.
p.s. - Matt, if they offer you 7 mill, just go with it, okay?
Here's the Nikki Finke article
Simpsons Spoof of Mad Men Credits
Mad Men meets Simpsons meets their 19th Treehouse of Horror Episode. Well played, Groening.
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Not That I'm Not Gonna Try It....
...but when the Aliens come and ask the Robots what happened to the Humans, this product will be their only answer.
By the makers of BaconSalt! No, seriously.
They're remaking Footloose. With Zach Efron.
Here's Variety talking about this fucking awful idea.
Cloris Leachman is Baller
So I know it's a major show, but I think it's terrible. I've watched Dancing With The Stars twice, and both times involved me staring at Apollo Anton Ono's perfect ass. However: Cloris Fucking Leachman. Umm...LOVE HER.
She's 82 years old, and maybe because of that she doesn't give a shit what she says anymore. Not that she ever did, anyway, this is a woman who's career is long and successfull and involved Mel Brooks. ("Olvatine?") So in general, the producers, judges, and hosts of DWTS seem horrified by Cloris and her antics. And her language. And her mugging for the camera.
It's awesome, she's awesome, and I urge you all to vote for her if only to see Samantha Harris have to deal.
Here's Cloris: Watch this and tell me she isn't God's Gift to reality TV. Someone needs to give this woman a show of her own stat.
Friday, October 24, 2008
30 Rock - Season 3 Premiere - Now Online
I am so excited: Hulu and MySpace are doing a sneak peak of the new 30 Rock!!!!!
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Rachel Maddow: The Anti Palin
Monkeys, we've been neglectful lately at SOGAM. Our apologies for the lack of posting! Real life is, for lack of a better phrase, a time suck. So back to business as usual starting today - with the hottest journo in the business right now: Rachel Maddow.
That's her playful look. Well, actually, it's more likely her "look what they made me do for publicity shots look" but the important thing to note is: FINALLY A LESBIAN WHO LOOKS LIKE A LESBIAN. Is that okay to type? Fuck it, I don't care. It's such a relief to see a publicly out woman who is not hair extensioned or make-up'd to within an inch of her life. I mean, I'm just saying: it's not like anyone at CNN is trying to make Anderson Cooper look less gay. And look how cute her longtime partner is:
I know, right? Susan and her on their farm in New England (Black Lab named Poppy, natch). It's enough to make a girl think back fondly on that one night in college.
But none of this works without the real turn on: The journalism. The Rachel Maddow show is the hottest cable news show out there right now, from its premier just a month ago, it's doubled viewers in that time slot for MSNBC and it's kicking CNN's Larry King's ass with people under the age of 35. (You may be thinking, how hard could that have been? Well, Keith Olbermann couldn't do it in that same time slot.)
She's unabashedly liberal and progressive, but she's unflinching in her examination of the hypocrisy on both the right and the left as this election year goes on. She covers stories regularly that she feels are under reported by the media. She's an AIDS Activist who once helped disrupt Al Gore's Presidential Announcement by unfurling a banner reading "AIDS Drugs For Africa". She's a badass. And she's funny.
Watch as Rachel kicks some Palin ass on her show, then watch the show. (It's perfect to DVR as MSNBC is commercial happy) But mostly, drink some of Maddow kool-aid. Mmmmm....tastes like first amendment.
The Rachel Maddow Show
9-10 Eastern, MSNBC
Thursday, October 16, 2008
This Is Real. No, Really. This Happened.
Reuters caught this shot, which apparently was McCain reacting to going the wrong way. Or maybe he thought his best bet at this point was to simple eat his opponent. Maybe he thought Obama is made of hard candy. Who knows what lurks in the mind of this guy?
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Friday, October 10, 2008
I'm Donating My Balls to Marty McFly
A new STUDY came out that says stem cells from human testicles could be just as effective as stem cells from embryos.
The right wing must be going NUTS!
As the movie Just One of the Guy taught us, "All balls itch. It's a fact!" Maybe this new fact is the answer to why they always do. I mean, I ain't a scientist, but could the stem cell juices somehow make a man's scrot more itchy?
But alas, the stem cells would only benefit men. Yay! The patriarchy has now moved to a subatomic level!!!! Sorry ladies, but here is a TOY [ABOVE] to help relieve your frustration.
Live From New York, It Was On Thursday....
Weekend Update Thursday rocked for two reasons: 1) No awkward host and 2) The return of "Really?! With Seth & Amy", which got morhphed into an even better segment. Watch & enjoy.
Connecticut is only 30 Miles from Chelsea!
Connecticut has legalized gay marriage, as the Supreme Court there took logic for a test drive and stated that civil unions are code for "you're not equal".
So Citizens of the Day = The Connecticut Supreme Court! 4 of them, anyway...the other three are still bigots. But overruled bigots.
From the Times: "With the ruling, Connecticut joins Massachusetts and California as the only states that allow same-sex couples to marry. Connecticut, Vermont, New Hampshire and New Jersey have civil unions, while Maine, Washington, Oregon and Hawaii have domestic partnership laws that allow same-sex couples to receive some of the same benefits granted to those in civil unions."
Three states down, 47 to go.
And for all our California Monkeys - don't forget to get every person you've ever met to vote NO on Prop 8!
Here's the link to the article in The New York Times.
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
The Debate: Has McCain Given Up?
The town hall setting was supposed to be comfortable for McCain, and maybe he took comfortable to an extreme conclusion: that the people attending were extended relatives that he doesn’t remember due to dementia and that Tom Brokow fellow must be Tommy, the kid from the old neighborhood who was always too big for his britches. That’s the only explanation for why McCain chose this moment to be snarky, mean, and borderline disrespectful to Obama – he must not have remembered he was on television, trying to win the Presidency.
The thing is, while neither side was excellent, Obama was good enough for the win (CNN had the insta-poll at 56% to 30%). But nobody is going to be talking about their answers on health care, Russia, or the economy. If the debate comes up, these are the topics:
1. McCain calls Obama “That one”. Whoops. Seriously, John, why not call him “sambo” or “my golf caddy”. Cause when you point to an African American Senator and say “That one”, that’s what we hear. Dumbass. If there’s any moment the McCain staff wants to take back, it’s that one. Also, knowing this happened makes me want to watch The View today, cause there ain’t no way Hasslecrack isn’t going to fry over that one.
2. McCain blows off just about everyone. What in God’s name made McCain think this move was a good idea???
Now, for the record, they did shake hand immediately after the debate, but it wasn’t visible on camera. But what would it have cost McCain to shake the guys hand again? Obama has his arm out, and McCain gestures at his wife? Wha? Also… what’s going on with Cindy? Michelle is working the crowd, and Cindy has her hands firmly behind her back to avoid contact with the untouchables (middle class – shudder!). Surely someone in the campaign, an intern perhaps, has the solemn duty to carry her hand sanitizer for moments when she must shake the hand of a dark person.
3. The blowoff continues: I don’t have video on this (CSPAN had it, but I couldn’t isolate this part). Anywho, the debate is over and the Candidates and the Wives run around saying hello and pressing the flesh (except Cindy, of course). And then, less than ten minutes later, McCain and Cindy disappear. They leave. Are they stupid? They left the man they themselves refer to as a celebrity alone with a room full of cameras and undecided voters? Obama and Michelle spent almost an hour talking, shaking hands, and taking pictures… and anchors all over the country got to point out “What you see now is the Senator and Michelle working the crowd. McCain has left.”
There’s a reason Bill Clinton was beloved by the average person – and sacrificing your bedtime to talk to people would have been a good idea, John.
And 4th, talking down to people: Another video I don’t have yet – Grrrr. Anyway, an African American male asks an economy question. McCain proceeds to say how he probably didn’t even know what Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae were.
Ummm… did McCain just assume that a black guy couldn’t know what Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae were? NOT GOOD.
So that’s it – a boring debate in terms of policy? Yeah. It was sorta “whatevs”. But that only made the above four gaffes worse. McCain looks out of touch, angry, and couldn’t land a joke if Jesus was his copilot.
So the question is: Has he just given up? Cause Independents are not going to respond well today. And if McCain doesn’t rope in Independents, he might as well take an early nap.
***Edited to correct "that guy" to "that one". Which is worse.
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Free TV on iTunes
Check out the PILOT for the new Christian Slater show My Own Worst Enemy.
It's True Lies meets Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde.
What The Fuck Is The Matter With Our Country?!
I just read an article in the New York Times (Palin Supporters: BOOOOO! Kill them!) about a federal Judge who just ordered the Bush Administration to release 17 prisoners from Guantanamo Bay. The prisoners are Uighurs, who are Chinese/Muslim and persecuted in China. I was reading with interest rather than anger, until I read the following:
"The Uighurs, who were detained in Afghanistan in 2002, say they have never been enemies of the United States. They were cleared of suspicion in 2004, but they have remained in detention because of controversy over where they could go."
When people talk about what's wrong with America, this just about sums it up for me. When we know there are innocent men being detained in a prison that we control, and yet the Bush Administration is fighting the release of these innocent men, there is SOMETHING WRONG WITH AMERICA.
I'm seething right now.
Here is the article in its entirety. Of special note is Federal District Judge Ricardo M. Urbina, who has had enough of Bush's stall tactics and has demanded these men be bought into his courtroom on Friday to be released. Good for him. And shame on our government.
Debates are on tonight - watch carefully and vote smart.
Monday, October 6, 2008
Obama + Babies = Best Website Ever
Seriously, it's almost too much too bear, the sight of Obama holding babies on the campaign trail. and their pictures of newborn koala's can eat a koala bear - Obama for the win.
It also makes me want to have a baby. Which I would, except my husband doesn't love me enough to give me a baby. So I'm just gonna look at this website all the time, dreaming of the day when Obama gets elected, leaves Michelle, and makes babies with me.
Did I just make this creepy? Wait, be distracted by the powers of Obama and a Baby:
See? You're back to ooohing and aahhhing. You're welcome.
Here's the website: Yes We Can Hold Babies
A Reason To Watch Hardball: Funny Signs
So normally the signs that gather behind Chris Matthews are the usual drivel - Change, Country First, blah blah blah.
A group of industrious Washington University students finally saw the traveling Hardball show for what it is - an opportunity to create new slogans, for a new time.
Tire Swings Are Not Toys. Truer words have never been waved. Unless, of course, you refer to the next banner of free speech:
Who amongst us doesn't NEED a nap? The way we need a BAILOUT and CHANGE? This is discourse, people.
Is the "chair" social security? Is it medicare? Or is it the process itself?
This one is a little difficult to read, needless to say that by the time you figure it out, you are stuck by its truth: Shawshank Redemption got screwed at the Oscars. Just like us, the little guy getting screwed by Republican interests, the story of two prisoners searching for redemption got bent over and robotically nailed by George Bush's favorite movie, Forrest Gump.
This is a process called Rickrolling - using the timeless lyrics of Rick Astley in any given scenario. However, let's take a deeper look: Never gonna give you up, never gonna let you down. What does that mean? It's obvious, people.
Obama wins Colorado.
Sunday, October 5, 2008
There's a place in hell reserved for women who misquote Madeleine Albright
So, I'm gonna jump music monkey lines & write about politics for a moment. (Ed: Dr. Z, there are no genre lines when it comes to proving Sarah Palin is a liar. You feel free.) You see, Sarah Palin decided to misquote Madeleine Albright, and that's stepping on the toes of my favorite political figure of all time (in fact, I think if she and Janet Napolitano were running this joint, the world would be a better place). So, I gotta represent.
Apparently, Palin got all excited because her Starbuck's coffee cup featured a quotation from the great Madeleine Albright. She later attempted to use the quotation in a speech in CA, claiming that Secretary Albright said, "there is a special place in hell for women who don't support other women." Implying that those of use women who don't vote for her are headed straight to Satan's backyard.
Surprise, surprise...that's not what Albright said. The quotation is: "there is a special place in hell for women who don't help other women." Her words had nothing to do with politics and were taken completely out of context...not surprising considering that Palin pulled the quotation from her coffee. Also, as Albright pointed out in her response, it continues to show how McCain and Palin are spinning lies all over the place.
Every time she says Maverick, I look around for Goose.
Only a month to go - and hopefully we'll never have to hear from this psycho, incompetent scumbag again. For now, as long as we're forced to look at her winking, smug, overprepped, under knowledgable face, here's some funnies!
Friday, October 3, 2008
Free TV on iTunes
The Pilot episode of the new NBC show Kath & Kim is on iTunes and it is FREE.
Click HERE For the Pilot
I thought the Australian show was hilarious so I am curious to see if this one measures up. Will it be another Couplings or The Office? You decide.
Spotting the Elusive Prime Time Pecker
Survivor goes FULL FRONTAL!!!!
This dude to the RIGHT (I refuse to display his name and will only see him as a piece of meat as I stare at his piece of meat) had a wardrobe malfunction and his ding dong came a bouncing out.
Click HERE to see the animated photos of the incident.
A Quick Rehash Of The Debate
Yeah, that's pretty much all you need to know. Courtesy of Daily Kos.
You can watch the full debate (follow along with the chart!) at any of the major cable news websites.
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Your Biden / Palin Drinking Game Rules!
*Disclaimer: This drinking game is recommended to be played with beer. One does not want a repeat of that kid in Iowa with the vodka and The West Wing. Long story short: a few pedi-conferences into a two part episode, kid died. We don't want that - you can kill yourself with drinking after the election.
Wall Street to Main Street - 1 Drink
Non-answer to direct question - 2 Drinks
Recitation of world leaders names to prove someone (Palin) can pronounce them - 1 Drink per Name
Recitation of Supreme Court Decisions to prove someone (Palin) knows them - 1 Drink per case, 2 Drinks specifically for Marbury v. Madison
Lipstick - 2 Drinks
Biden actually growling - 1 Drink
Any variation of the phrase "We don't need four more years of the last eight" - 2 Drinks
Mentions of "experience" - 1 Drink if it's a positive mention, 2 drinks if it's a negative mention
The phrase "Joe Six Pack" - 1 Drink
Any suggestion to invade/bomb/attack another country - 3 Drinks
Abortion question - Drink until they're done talking about abortion
Biden sighing audibly/shaking his head regretfully/biting his lip sadly (aka the Gore/Kerry/Clinton) - 1 Drink
Slam against Alaska - 2 Drinks
Slam against Delaware - 2 Drinks
Slam against Washington - 3 Drinks
Gwen Iffil having to chastise someone - 1 Drink
Anytime Biden goes over his allotted time - 1 Drink
Anytime Palin goes under her allotted time - 1 Drink
Anytime Palin says "As Governor of Alaska, I...." - 2 Drinks
Anytime Biden references something that happened before Palin was born - 2 Drinks
Any story about someone they met on the campaign trail - Chug
Good luck! Buy plenty of beer, and if you happen to run out, feel free to substitute banging your head against the wall. It's what Hillary's going to do.
Add your own suggestions in the comments.
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Check out this Blog
Check out measureformeasure - it's this great little NY Times blog about music and the creative process behind it. They have some great contributors like Roseanne Cash, Andrew Bird, and Susanne Vega. Mon Chi Chi just sent me this link to a post by Susanne Vega. She has some great commentary about being dubbed the "mother of the MP3." Apparently, SEVERAL people have remixed her classic song "Tom's Diner." When Karl-Heinz Brandenberg was working on compressing audio into the MP3 format, he decided to use it, too.
Give Me More, Monkey!Tuesday, September 30, 2008
McCain & Palin Ask Katie For "Take Backs"
With an ever increasing amount of conservatives calling for Palin to step down from the race (maybe she can hang out with Harriet Myers?), the McCain camp is spinning their (two sided) faces off. Step one: deal with Katie Couric. Yes, they are so incompetent, they had to attempt to fix a Katie Couric interview. They should be thanking their evangelical god that Peter Jennings isn't around to school their asses - that's how much this woman sucks in front of a camera.
A partial transcript is after the jump as well... I particularly like when McCain attacks "gotcha" journalism and says something about a pizza place. No, seriously.
Oh, side note: there had been word leaked from CBS about another embarrassing moment from Palin in the first interview. (among others) is reporting that when asked about Supreme Court case other than Roe v. Wade, Palin could not think of one. So she just stayed silent. A nominee for the Vice Presidency could not name any Supreme Court cases, past or present, except Roe v. Wade. I feel safe in continuing to say that this woman is a complete idiot.
CBS) Sen. John McCain and Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin were in Ohio Monday for a campaign rally. In their first joint interview, CBS News anchor Katie Couric asked them about a statement Palin made the other day, because it didn't seem to square with her running mate's policies in the war on terror in Pakistan. What follows is a partial transcript of the interview.
Katie Couric: Over the weekend, Gov. Palin, you said the U.S. should absolutely launch cross-border attacks from Afghanistan into Pakistan to, quote, "stop the terrorists from coming any further in." Now, that's almost the exact position that Barack Obama has taken and that you, Sen. McCain, have criticized as something you do not say out loud. So, Gov. Palin, are you two on the same page on this?
Sarah Palin: We had a great discussion with President Zardari as we talked about what it is that America can and should be doing together to make sure that the terrorists do not cross borders and do not ultimately put themselves in a position of attacking America again or her allies. And we will do what we have to do to secure the United States of America and her allies.
Couric: Is that something you shouldn't say out loud, Sen. McCain?
John McCain: Of course not. But, look, I understand this day and age of "gotcha" journalism. Is that a pizza place? In a conversation with someone who you didn't hear … the question very well, you don't know the context of the conversation, grab a phrase. Gov. Palin and I agree that you don't announce that you're going to attack another country …
Couric: Are you sorry you said it?
McCain: … and the fact …
Couric: Governor?
McCain: Wait a minute. Before you say, "is she sorry she said it," this was a "gotcha" sound bite that, look …
Couric: It wasn't a "gotcha." She was talking to a voter.
McCain: No, she was in a conversation with a group of people and talking back and forth. And … I'll let Gov. Palin speak for herself.
Palin: Well, it … in fact, you're absolutely right on. In the context, this was a voter, a constituent, hollering out a question from across an area asking, "What are you gonna do about Pakistan? You better have an answer to Pakistan." I said we're gonna do what we have to do to protect the United States of America.
Couric: But you were pretty specific about what you wanted to do, cross-border …
Palin: Well, as Sen. McCain is suggesting here, also, never would our administration get out there and show our cards to terrorists, in this case, to enemies and let them know what the game plan was, not when that could ultimately adversely affect a plan to keep America secure.
Couric: What did you learn from that experience?
Palin: That this is all about "gotcha" journalism. A lot of it is. But that's okay, too.
Couric: Gov. Palin, since our last interview, you've gotten a lot of flak. Some Republicans have said you're not prepared; you're not ready for prime-time. People have questioned your readiness since that interview. And I'm curious …
Palin: Yeah.
Couric: … to hear your reaction.
Palin: Well, not only am I ready, but willing and able to serve as vice-president with Sen. McCain if Americans so bless us and privilege us with the opportunity of serving them, ready with my executive experience as a city mayor and manager, as a governor, as a commissioner, a regulator of oil and gas.
McCain: This is not the first time that I've seen a governor being questioned by some quote, "expert." I remember that Ronald Reagan was a "cowboy." President Clinton was a governor of a very small state that had "no experience" either. (laughter) I remember how easy it was gonna be for Bush I to defeat him. I still recall, whoops, that one. But the point is I've seen underestimation before. I'm very proud of the excitement that Gov. Palin has ignited with our party and around this country. It is a … level of excitement and enthusiasm, frankly, that I haven't seen before. And I'd like to attribute it to me. But the fact is that she has done incredible job. And I'm so proud of the work that she's doing.
Friday, September 26, 2008
Reasons this is an AWESOME video:
1.) She is a very vocal Hillary Clinton supporter
2.) They are on a idling 4 wheeler
3.) Everyone is HAMMERED
4.) They all live in Kentucky
5.) Each of them looks like a relative of mine
The Right Wing Eats Their Own (and it's a beautiful thing to watch!)
For those of you that don't know, The National Review is an extremely conservative publication. I'm talking waaayyy to the right. I'm talking founded by William F. Buckley, okay?
So imagine my delight when one of their columnists, Kathleen Parker, decided to destroy Sarah Palin today. Kathleen Parker, who's been so vehemently conservative and pro McCain in this race, she's been defending Palin to anyone who would listen. Now, she says to Palin, get out of the race. And use your baby as an excuse to do it, so John McCain doesn't get stuck with you.
HA! I'm tagging this post with "Ha!" which we normally use for videos of Will Ferrell pretending to rape a goat or something. That's how much I'm enjoying this. She uses the phrase "Clearly Out Of Her League" (capital letters included)!
She even references her "cringe reflex", which is the Republican version of a gag reflex, which I'm taking to mean that Palin makes her feel like she's choking while performing a blow job. Which, if defending Palin is the metaphorical blow job, I totally understand feeling that way.
The article can be found right here, in which case you're giving the National Review pageviews... OR, you can click the "give me more" link below, in which case you're giving us pageviews.
Clearly, you'll make the right choice, both in the clicking and the election.
Palin Problem
She’s out of her league.
The National Review
By Kathleen Parker
If at one time women were considered heretical for swimming upstream against feminist orthodoxy, they now face condemnation for swimming downstream — away from Sarah Palin.
To express reservations about her qualifications to be vice president — and possibly president — is to risk being labeled anti-woman.
Or, as I am guilty of charging her early critics, supporting only a certain kind of woman.
Some of the passionately feminist critics of Palin who attacked her personally deserved some of the backlash they received. But circumstances have changed since Palin was introduced as just a hockey mom with lipstick — what a difference a financial crisis makes — and a more complicated picture has emerged.
As we’ve seen and heard more from John McCain’s running mate, it is increasingly clear that Palin is a problem. Quick study or not, she doesn’t know enough about economics and foreign policy to make Americans comfortable with a President Palin should conditions warrant her promotion.
Yes, she recently met and turned several heads of state as the United Nations General Assembly convened in New York. She was gracious, charming and disarming. Men swooned. Pakistan’s president wanted to hug her. (Perhaps Osama bin Laden is dying to meet her?)
And, yes, she has common sense, something we value. And she’s had executive experience as a mayor and a governor, though of relatively small constituencies (about 6,000 and 680,000, respectively).
Finally, Palin’s narrative is fun, inspiring and all-American in that frontier way we seem to admire. When Palin first emerged as John McCain’s running mate, I confess I was delighted. She was the antithesis and nemesis of the hirsute, Birkenstock-wearing sisterhood — a refreshing feminist of a different order who personified the modern successful working mother.
Palin didn’t make a mess cracking the glass ceiling. She simply glided through it.
It was fun while it lasted.
Palin’s recent interviews with Charles Gibson, Sean Hannity, and now Katie Couric have all revealed an attractive, earnest, confident candidate. Who Is Clearly Out Of Her League.
No one hates saying that more than I do. Like so many women, I’ve been pulling for Palin, wishing her the best, hoping she will perform brilliantly. I’ve also noticed that I watch her interviews with the held breath of an anxious parent, my finger poised over the mute button in case it gets too painful. Unfortunately, it often does. My cringe reflex is exhausted.
Palin filibusters. She repeats words, filling space with deadwood. Cut the verbiage and there’s not much content there. Here’s but one example of many from her interview with Hannity: “Well, there is a danger in allowing some obsessive partisanship to get into the issue that we’re talking about today. And that’s something that John McCain, too, his track record, proving that he can work both sides of the aisle, he can surpass the partisanship that must be surpassed to deal with an issue like this.”
When Couric pointed to polls showing that the financial crisis had boosted Obama’s numbers, Palin blustered wordily: “I’m not looking at poll numbers. What I think Americans at the end of the day are going to be able to go back and look at track records and see who’s more apt to be talking about solutions and wishing for and hoping for solutions for some opportunity to change, and who’s actually done it?”
If BS were currency, Palin could bail out Wall Street herself.
If Palin were a man, we’d all be guffawing, just as we do every time Joe Biden tickles the back of his throat with his toes. But because she’s a woman — and the first ever on a Republican presidential ticket — we are reluctant to say what is painfully true.
What to do?
McCain can’t repudiate his choice for running mate. He not only risks the wrath of the GOP’s unforgiving base, but he invites others to second-guess his executive decision-making ability. Barack Obama faces the same problem with Biden.
Only Palin can save McCain, her party, and the country she loves. She can bow out for personal reasons, perhaps because she wants to spend more time with her newborn. No one would criticize a mother who puts her family first.
Do it for your country.
— Kathleen Parker is a nationally syndicated columnist
Thursday, September 25, 2008
I Heart Stewart & Colbert
The ABOVE picture cracks me up. Read the just as funny interview in EW.
Sarah Palin Continues To Be A Hack
Here is a Vice Presidential candidate who cannot answer a questions about her campaigns connections to Freddie Mac (Uh, the answer is that Rick Davis was still on a $15,000 a month payroll until last month). Please watch until the end, when she talks about McCain's history of supporting stronger regulation of the financial sector. She can't name an example, of course, but assures Karie Couric that she'll find one and "bring it back for you".
I'll be waiting with baited breath, you incompetent twit.
Project Runway Finale: PREVIEW!!!!
Click the LINK and see the fashions by the Top 6 at Fashion Week.
The picture to the LEFT is one of Korto's dresses. She has a couple outfits that look like you have to shave before you go outside in them ... and I don't mean your legs :)
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Be Like Clay: Come Out Already!
So in honor of Gaiken, I have decided that it's time for us to come clean. Since I normally babble about television, let's come out of the television closet.
I have a theory that all of us, no matter how "open" we act with our friends, each secretly loves a TV show that is embarrassing to admit. Now, I'm not talking about TiVoing I Love Money or watching a marathon of Lifetime movies (Mother, May I Sleep With Danger? is still the standard bearer of that genre). We're not embarrassed by our of love of melodrama and trash television - we're aware that actually makes us more endearing.
What I'm talking about is worse. It's loving a show that is, for lack of a better word, mediocre. Ordinary. Appealing to the average. A show that your friends wonder aloud "Who watches that crap" and the answer is you.
I'll go first: My name is Mon Chi Chi - and I love NCIS. I do. I love it. Mark Harmon is a childhood obsession, and he's aging like a fine wine that I'd like to sip for hours. I realize that it's a by-the-numbers procedural, and that any person with an semi decent I.Q. can predict who the killer is in fifteen minutes. (OMG! The delivery driver wasn't actually a delivery driver - he was the killer!) I get that it is a show designed for people over the age of fifty who've given up on ever having plans on a Tuesday night. I get that the assigned quirks for each character are so unoriginal as to make Tarantino say "Wow. That's really derivative!" (Awkward Computer Guy! Girl Scientist That Is Hot And Goth! Hot Woman Agent Who Can Kill You In Fifty Ways But Can't Have A Successful Relationship And Since She Is Foreign, Messes Up English! Woman In Charge That Once Had Love Affair With Main Character! Main Character Who's Motivated To Catch Criminals Because Criminals Once Killed His Wife And Daughter!)
And I don't care. I waited for last nights season opener with as much glee as I had for season two of Mad Men. And you know what? Even though I had to watch it online because of a certain husband who thought it was less important than other shows, it was awesome. (Spoiler: There's a double agent at NCIS and she doesn't realize that Gibbs is on to her! I KNOW - terrible! And yet WONDERFUL.)
It's your turn now - get it off your chest in comments. What show do you secretly love?
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Monday, September 22, 2008
Five Hosts? And One of Them Was Tom Bergeron? What?
Well, at least Mad Men & 30 Rock won the big catagories last night, which is awesome because they are the two best in their catagories. I know people love The Office, as do I, but 30 Rock is the best written comedy on television, and when you add that to Alec Baldwin you get a big old pot of genious. As for drama - the only show I would have been comfortable seeing beat Mad Men wasn't nominated, so I'm happy with that outcome. Although if Emmy could get around to rewarding the fucking brilliance that is Battlestar Galactica, I wouldn't want to throw bombs at their offices on Wilshire.
I actually missed much (most) of the show, as the Yankees were playing their last game at the old stadium and it was quite the spectacular (Sorry - Yogi Beara and Tino Martinez vs. Best Directing for a Comedy is no contest.)
I've got the list of winners after the jump, but from the pieces I saw live I have the following questions that I'm sure Monkey See, Monkey Doo Doo and Gleek can answer. (They don't watch the Yankees. Unless Derek Jeter is on Daily Show or something.)
1. They didn't have time to let people speak, but they had time for a five minute bit about reality TV Hosts?
2. Don Rickles: discuss
3. How did Bryan Cranston happen? Was it vote splitting? A Nader like situation? Do you think enough Emmy voters even saw Breaking Bad?
4. The Josh Groban singing TV theme songs - please tell me it was done ironically. Cause that sounds like comedy gold.
5. Tina Fey for Writing & Best Show - YES. Tina Fey for acting? Hmm.
6. MVP of the Night (also called "The Hosts Suck Award"): Ricky Gervais or Don Rickles?
7. How HOT was Tina Fey last night? My goodness - someone's stylist needs their own Emmy.
Winners when you hit the cute little link below this......
“Curb Your Enthusiasm” (HBO)
“Entourage” (HBO)
“The Office” (NBC)
“30 Rock” (NBC)
“Two and a Half Men” (CBS)
“Boston Legal” (ABC)
“Damages” (FX)
“Dexter” (Showtime)
“House” (Fox)
“Lost” (ABC)
“Mad Men” (AMC)
“The Andromeda Strain” (A&E)
“Cranford” (PBS)
“John Adams” (HBO)
“Tin Man” (Sci Fi)
“Bernard and Doris” (HBO)
“Extras: The Extra Special Series Finale” (HBO)
“The Memory Keeper’s Daughter” (Lifetime)
“A Raisin in the Sun” (ABC)
“Recount” (HBO)
“The Colbert Report” (Comedy Central)
“The Daily Show With Jon Stewart” (Comedy Central)
“Late Show With David Letterman” (CBS)
“Real Time With Bill Maher” (HBO)
“Saturday Night Live” (NBC)
“The Amazing Race” (CBS) “American Idol” (Fox)
“Dancing With the Stars” (ABC)
“Project Runway” (Bravo)
“Top Chef” (Bravo)
Alec Baldwin, “30 Rock” (NBC)
Steve Carell, “The Office” (NBC)
Lee Pace, “Pushing Daisies” (ABC)
Tony Shalhoub, “Monk” (USA)
Charlie Sheen, “Two and a Half Men” (CBS)
Gabriel Byrne, “In Treatment” (HBO)
Bryan Cranston, “Breaking Bad” (AMC)
Michael C. Hall, “Dexter” (Showtime)
Jon Hamm, “Mad Men” (AMC)
Hugh Laurie, “House” (Fox)
James Spader, ““Boston Legal” (ABC)
Ralph Fiennes, “Bernard and Doris” (HBO)
Ricky Gervais, “Extras: The Extra Special Series Finale” (HBO)
Paul Giamatti, “John Adams” (HBO)
Kevin Spacey, “Recount” (HBO)
Tom Wilkinson, “Recount” (HBO)
Christina Applegate, “Samantha Who?” (ABC)
America Ferrera, “Ugly Betty” (ABC)
Tina Fey, “30 Rock” (NBC)
Julia Louis-Dreyfus, “The New Adventures of Old Christine” (CBS)
Mary-Louise Parker, “Weeds” (Showtime)
Glenn Close, “Damages” (FX)
Sally Field, “Brothers & Sisters” (ABC)
Mariska Hargitay, “Law & Order: Special Victims Unit” (NBC)
Holly Hunter, “Saving Grace” (TNT)
Kyra Sedgwick, “The Closer” (TNT)
Judi Dench, “Cranford” (PBS)
Catherine Keener, “An American Crime” (Showtime)
Laura Linney, “John Adams” (HBO)
Phylicia Rashad, “A Raisin in the Sun” (ABC)
Susan Sarandon, “Bernard and Doris” (HBO)
Jon Cryer, “Two and a Half Men” (CBS)
Kevin Dillon, “Entourage” (HBO)
Neil Patrick Harris, “How I Met Your Mother” (CBS)
Jeremy Piven, “Entourage” (HBO)
Rainn Wilson, “The Office” (NBC)
Ted Danson, “Damages” (FX)
Michael Emerson, “Lost” (ABC)
Zeljko Ivanek, “Damages” (FX)
William Shatner, “Boston Legal” (ABC)
John Slattery, “Mad Men” (AMC)
Bob Balaban, “Recount” (HBO)
Stephen Dillane, “John Adams” (HBO)
Denis Leary, “Recount” (HBO)
David Morse, “John Adams” (HBO)
Tom Wilkinson, “John Adams” (HBO)
Kristin Chenoweth, “Pushing Daisies” (ABC)
Amy Poehler, “Saturday Night Live” (NBC)
Jean Smart, “Samantha Who?” (ABC)
Holland Taylor, “Two and a Half Men” (CBS)
Vanessa Williams, “Ugly Betty” (ABC)
Candice Bergen, “Boston Legal” (ABC)
Rachel Griffiths, “Brothers & Sisters” (ABC)
Sandra Oh, “Grey’s Anatomy” (ABC)
Dianne Wiest, “In Treatment” (HBO)
Chandra Wilson, “Grey’s Anatomy” (ABC)
Eileen Atkins, “Cranford” (PBS)
Laura Dern, “Recount” (HBO)
Ashley Jensen, “Extras: The Extra Special Series Finale” (HBO)
Audra McDonald, “A Raisin in the Sun” (ABC)
Alfre Woodard, “Pictures Of Hollis Woods” (CBS)
Jon Stewart, “80th Annual Academy Awards” (ABC)
David Letterman, “Late Show With David Letterman” (CBS)
Don Rickles, “Mr. Warmth: The Don Rickles Project” (HBO)
Tina Fey “Saturday Night Live” (NBC)
Stephen Colbert, “The Colbert Report” (Comedy Central)
Tom Bergeron, “Dancing With the Stars” (ABC)
Heidi Klum, “Project Runway” (Bravo)
Howie Mandel, “Deal or No Deal” (NBC)
Jeff Probst, “Survivor” (CBS)
Ryan Seacrest, “American Idol” (Fox)
Michael Engler, “30 Rock” (NBC)
Dan Attias, “Entourage” (HBO)
James Bobin, “Flight of the Conchords” (HBO)
Barry Sonnenfeld, “Pushing Daisies” (ABC)
Paul Lieberstein, “The Office” (NBC)
Paul Feig, “The Office” (NBC)
Arlene Sanford, “Boston Legal” (ABC)
Vince Gilligan, “Breaking Bad” (AMC)
Allen Coulter, “Damages” (FX)
Greg Yaitanes, “House” (Fox)
Alan Taylor, “Mad Men” (AMC)
Bob Balaban, “Bernard and Doris” (HBO)
Ricky Gervais and Stephen Merchant, “Extras: The Extra Special Series Finale” (HBO)
Tom Hooper, “John Adams” (HBO)
Jay Roach, “Recount” (HBO)
Mikael Salomon, “The Company” (TNT)
Louis J. Horvitz, “80th Annual Academy Awards” (ABC)
Lonny Price, “Company” (PBS)
Don Roy King, “Saturday Night Live” (NBC)
Jim Hoskinson, “The Colbert Report” (Comedy Central)
Chuck O’Neil, “The Daily Show With Jon Stewart” (Comedy Central)
Jack Burditt, “30 Rock” (NBC)
Tina Fey, “30 Rock” (NBC)
James Bobin, Jemaine Clement and Bret McKenzie, “Flight of the Conchords” (HBO)
Bryan Fuller, “Pushing Daisies” (ABC)
Lee Eisenberg and Gene Stupnitsky, “The Office” (NBC)
Michael Angeli, “Battlestar Galactica” (Sci Fi)
Todd A. Kessler, Glenn Kessler and Daniel Zelman, “Damages” (FX)
Matthew Weiner, “Mad Men” (AMC)
Matthew Weiner and Robin Veith, “Mad Men” (AMC)
David Simon and Ed Burns, “The Wire” (HBO)
Hugh Costello, “Bernard and Doris” (HBO)
Heidi Thomas, “Cranford” (PBS)
Ricky Gervais and Stephen Merchant, “Extras: The Extra Special Series Finale” (HBO)
Kirk Ellis, “John Adams” (HBO)
Danny Strong, “Recount” (HBO)
Mike Sweeney, Chris Albers, Jose Arroyo, Dan Cronin, Kevin Dorff, Daniel J. Goor, Michael Gordon, Berkley Johnson, Brian Kiley, Michael Koman, Brian McCann, Guy Nicolucci, Conan O’Brien, Matt O’Brien, Brian Stack, Andrew Weinberg, “Late Night With Conan O’Brien” (NBC)
Eric Stangel, Justin Stangel, Jim Mulholland, Michael Barrie, Steve Young, Tom Ruprecht, Lee Ellenberg, Matt Roberts, Jeremy Weiner, Joe Grossman, Bill Scheft, Bob Borden, Frank Sebastiano, David Letterman, “Late Show With David Letterman” (CBS)
Seth Meyers, Andrew Steele, Paula Pell, Doug Abeles, James Anderson, Alex Baze, James Downey, Charlie Grandy, Steve Higgins, Colin Jost, Erik Kenward, Rob Klein, John Lutz, Lorne Michaels, Simon Rich, Marika Sawyer, Akiva Schaffer, Robert Smigel, John Solomon, Emily Spivey, Kent Sublette, Bryan Tucker, Robert Carlock, Lauren Pomerantz “Saturday Night Live” (NBC)
Tom Purcell, Stephen Colbert, Allison Silverman, Richard Dahm, Michael Brumm, Rob Dubbin, Eric Drysdale, Peter Gwinn, Jay Katsir, Laura Krafft, Frank Lesser, Glenn Eichler, Peter Grosz, Bryan Adams, Barry Julien, Meredith Scardino, “The Colbert Report” (Comedy Central)
Steve Bodow, Rory Albanese, Rachel Axler, Kevin Bleyer, Rich Blomquist, Tim Carvell, J.R. Havlan, Scott Jacobson, David Javerbaum, Rob Kutner, Josh Lieb, Sam Means, John Oliver, Jason Ross, Jon Stewart, “The Daily Show With Jon Stewart” (Comedy Central)
Full post
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Bartlet to Obama: What's Next?
Aaron Sorkin wrote a bit in the New York Times today...what if Obama sought the advice of our greatest fictional President?
You can find the article here, which includes a good old Sorkin monologue, a defense of the phrase "elite", and a great reference to the power of the Christmas episode.
From the piece:
OBAMA So what about hope? Chuck it for outrage and put-downs?
BARTLET No. You’re elite, you can do both. Four weeks ago you had the best week of your campaign, followed — granted, inexplicably — by the worst week of your campaign. And you’re still in a statistical dead heat. You’re a 47-year-old black man with a foreign-sounding name who went to Harvard and thinks devotion to your country and lapel pins aren’t the same thing and you’re in a statistical tie with a war hero and a Cinemax heroine.
Saturday, September 20, 2008
As many of you know, one of my favorite things is a good blooper clip. So I present a blooper clip that involves a Senator Obama blooper or as I now call it: an Oblooper.
On the video below, scroll to the 2 minute 17 second point and watch Obama have to start and stop an interview due to a pesky insect. I seriously couldn't stop laughing mostly because Obama couldn't stop laughing.
Friday, September 19, 2008
You Should Totally Rent ...
I was very surprised at how much fun it was and how much heart it had. Yeah, it is a little long and there were definite places to cut, but it was so great. The effects are amazing, the acting is top notch, and the story is both complex and interesting.
Plus, it has a hilarious monkey in it. Nuff said.
Better Then Wax Sculptures
For their 30th anniversary, Lego has created celebrity versions of their toys.
Check out Posh & David Beckham (to left). I'd even do the Lego version of Becks.
Other Lego Celebs
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Role Models: Red Bad Trailer and Poster
The trailer is NSFW and HILARIOUS!!! Plus, it's directed and co-written by David Wain and co-written by Ken Marino. Both members of the best sketch comedy team ever: The State.
Get Thee To The Peach Pit!
So let's leave aside how boring the new 90210 is. Cause it is. Let's focus instead on another issue. While I was watching last weeks episode (only because I had heard that Kelly's mom was going to be back and drunk - and yes, that was fabulous), it occurred to me that the actress playing Erin "Call Me Silver" Silver, Jessica Stroup, was incredibly skinny. Like so skinny, that she made AnnaLynne McCord look almost normal. Almost, I said, cause watching AnnaLynne on Nip/Tuck last year was like watching a Holocaust victim seducing Dr. McNamara. Which if you watch that show, you know that's not actually outside the realm of possibilities. Anyway, I recently saw the following picture, and I realized why I couldn't stop staring at these women's wrists:
Come on. Come on.
Even Tori Spelling looks like she ate something!! And Tori Spelling was a size 4 when this above picture was taken - I looked it up.
The press has noticed, too: Entertainment Weekly asks "Are the skinny starlets of 90210 setting a bad example?" and Flow TV does an excellent analysis in "Familiar Zipcode, New Bodies: A Critical Analysis of the Feminine Body in 90210"
I remember desperately wanting Brenda's bangs, Kelly's earrings, and a moody rich Dylan (I also wanted to live in a hotel like Dylan. Still do, actually).
Young women today can watch and desire eating disorders and a double zero sized pair of $600 jeans.
The CW also shows Tyra Banks America's Next Top Model, which by the way, kicked off a contestant this week, partially because she was too skinny.
Expect that model to have a guest spot coming up at Beverly Hills High.
UPDATED TO ADD: The Fug Girls, they of the most snark fed opinions regarding celebrity fuggery in the whole internets, finally got around to destroying the show as well right here. Please note they include the following picture of Ms. Jessica Stroup.
LOOK AT THOSE ARMS. WHO IS TELLING THIS WOMAN TO BE THIS THIN? She was in Reaper not more than a year ago and I swear to God she was at least 15 pounds heavier, and she looked beautiful and thin. As the Fug Girls say, if the camera adds ten pounds, Jessica may very well be in negative space.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
So according to Wikipedia (expert advice from at least 30 seconds ago!), Kat DeLuna is a recording artist with Epic Records who is relaunching her album from last year, 9 Lives. She also once won a Coca Cola sponsored karaoke competition with her rendition of I Will Always Love You. I really do think that explains this performance of the Star Spangled Banner... it's belted out like someone who needs to record the same album twice (or 9 times, natch) and with the force of a wannabe Houston-ette.
Pay particular attention to the pure disgust of the audience when she destroys the note on "free" and tries to recreate Whitney's ending from the 1991 Superbowl. It's a thing of schedenfraudian beauty.
Also, the crowd boos. A Dallas crowd. She ruined the anthem in front of football fans in Texas. That's practically asking to have your tiny Dominican feet tied to the bumper of an SUV.
Fall TV Has Begun!
House: Starring the delicious Hugh Laurie, and some other people. FOX, 9pm PST / EST
So, last season, in a pair of fabulous episodes (House's Brain/Wilson's Heart) Amber the Cutthroat Bitch had died because House couldn't stop drinking/being codependent. Wilson is not so happy about this. Count on bizarro cases, lingering guilt, pill popping, and a still annoying 13.
The Biggest Loser: Families, NBC Two Hour Premier 8pm PST/EST
Apparently, someone told Jillian she was too nice last year. Too nice. So Jillian has admitted that she is even tougher this year. Beatings and more beatings! Yay! Bob is still gay or southern, and still uber competitive against his fellow partner. What does this all mean? These contestants are in for absolute hell (and the chance to win $250,000 furnished by seventeen different product placement companies).
So take a break from your hatred of Sarah Palin (Not really. Just hate her during commercials.) and watch some masochists and sadists (both fictional and real!) tonight.
Thursday, September 11, 2008
9 to 5
9 to 5 the musical is doing its pre-Broadway tryout in LA and they had some technical difficulties during their first performance but the show went on. The audience got a special treat when Dolly Parton (who wrote the music and lyrics) was in the audience and entertained the crowd while the tech problems were resolved.
Here are 2 videos. The first is Dolly entertaining the crowd and the second is of the final number in the show.