Sunday, August 31, 2008

Focus On Qualifications, Not Gender!

Over the next two months, Democrats and all equal minded people have to be extremely careful not to attack Gov. Sarah Palin for her gender. Sen. Clinton was treated horribly for her gender, and I think it lessened all of us.

So instead, borrow from President Ronald Regan. You can quote him on why this move by the McCain camp is such bullshit:

"I believe that someday we are going to have a woman president, possibly during my life, and I've often thought the best way to pave the way for this was to first nominate and elect a woman as vice-president. But I think Mondale made a serious mistake when he picked Geraldine Ferraro as his running mate. In my view, he guessed wrong in deciding to take a congresswoman that almost nobody had ever heard of and try to put her in line for the presidency ... I don't know who among the Democrats might have been a better choice, but it was obvious Mondale picked Geraldine Ferraro simply because he believed there was a 'gender gap' where I was concerned and she was a woman."

Those are the words of Ronald Reagan in his 1991 memoir, "An American Life".

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