Friday, August 15, 2008

From The Ministry of Information Control: China Ain't Got No Free Press

Seriously, China is supposed to be a competent fake-capitalist-still-totes-commie country. But between the lip syncing and fake fireworks and the dancer with the broken back and the zygote year old gymnasts, I’m starting to think that they are terrible at controlling the message. Can you really imagine the U.S.S.R. getting that much wrong? Nyet! Say what you want about the Evil Empire, but Soviet Russia would never have allowed a memo like the following to leak.

The Sydney Morning Herald reprinted the “21 Edicts From The Chinese Government’s Propoganda Unit” that all Chinese “journalists” have to follow. I've got the whole thing for you, but I think it can be summed up by numer 21G:

"Refrain from publishing opinion pieces at odds with the official propangada line of the Chinese delegation."

Shit like this is why we should never boycott the games. It's much more important to expose than to ignore. The full disturbing, horrific, and pathetic memo after the jump.


1. The telecast of sports events will be live [but] in case of emergencies, no print is allowed to report on it.

2. From August 1, most of the previously accessible overseas websites will be unblocked. No coverage is allowed on this development. There's also no need to use stories published overseas on this matter and [website] operators should not provide any superlinks on their pages.

3. Be careful with religious and ethnic subjects.

4. Don't make fuss about foreign leaders at the opening ceremony, especially in relation to seat arrangements or their private lives.

5. We have to put special emphasis on ethnic equality. Any perceived racist terms as "black athlete" or "white athlete" is not allowed. During the official telecast, we can refer to Taiwan as "Chinese Taipei". In ordinary times, refer to Taiwanese athletes as "those from the precious island Taiwan....." In case of any pro Taiwan-independence related incident inside the venue, you shall follow restrictions listed in item 1.

6. For those ethnic Chinese coaches and athletes who come back to Beijing to compete on behalf of other countries, don't play up their "patriotism" since that could backfire with their adopted countries.

7. As for the Pro-Tibetan independence and East Turkistan movements, no coverage is allowed. There's also no need to make fuss about our anti-terrorism efforts.

8. All food saftey issues, such as cancer-causing mineral water, is off-limits.

9. In regard to the three protest parks, no interviews and coverage is allowed.

10. No fuss about the rehearsals on August 25. No negative comments about the opening ceremony.

11. No mention of the Lai Changxing case.

12. No mention of those who illegally enter China.

13. On international matters, follow the official line. For instance, follow the official propaganda line on the North Korean nuclear issue; be objective when it comes to the Middle East issue and play it down as much as possible; no fuss about the Darfur question; No fuss about UN reform; be careful with Cuba. If any emergency occurs, please report to the foreign ministry.

14. If anything related to territorial dispute happens, make no fuss about it. Play down the Myanmar issue; play down the Takeshima island dispute.

15. Regarding diplomatic ties between China and certain nations, don't do interviews on your own and don't use online stories. Instead, adopt Xinhua stories only. Particularly on the Doha round negotiation, US elections, China-Iran co-operation, China-Aussie co-operation, China-Zimbabwe co-operation, China-Paraguay co-operation.

16. Be very careful with TV ratings, only use domestic body's figures. Play it down when rating goes down.

17. In case of an emergency involving foreign tourists, please follow the official line. If there's no official line, stay away from it.

18. Re possible subway accidents in the capital, please follow the official line.

19.Be positive on security measures.

20. Be very careful with stock market coverage during the Games.

21.Properly handle coverage of the Chinese sports delegation:
A. don't criticise the selection process
B. don't overhype gold medals; don't issue predictions on gold medal numbers; don't make fuss about cash rewards for athletes.
C. don't make a fuss about isolated misconducts by athletes.
D. enforce the publicity of our anti-doping measures.
E. put emphasis on government efforts to secure the retirement life of atheletes.
F. keep a cool head on the Chinese performance. Be prepared for possible fluctations in the medal race.
G. refrain from publishing opinion pieces at odds with the official propangada line of the Chinese delegation.

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