Tuesday, June 3, 2008

30 Days Starts Tonight

Morgan Spurlock returns tonight for the third season of his FX show 30 Days. There will be six episodes this time, so an easy investment into a great show. In each episode, either Morgan or a participant takes on someone else's life for thirty days (they don't film in February), with results like an extremely educated Wife Swap. And unlike Wife Swap, it doesn't make me want to barf.

Full episode descriptions for all six after the jump.

One: Spurlock is a coal miner.
Two: NFL Quarterback Ray Crockett spends a month in a wheelchair.
Three: A hunter lives with a vegan PETA family.
Four: A teacher who's against gay parents lives with a gay couple who has four kids.
Five: A gun control advocate who's best friend was shot lives with a gun collector.
Six: Spurlock spends a month living on an Indian reservation.

The interesting part of the show for me is the lack of judgement about the people on the show - it still feels like the documentary it was based on. Yes, there is a kumbaya vibe to the idea (can't we all get along?), but watching the subject adapt to their new living situation is fascinating.

30 Days
Tuesdays, 10pm

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