Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Teenagers Are As Stupid As You Would Think

Premiering tonight: A show which proves idiotic children aren't ready to become parents. Does it look like a Emmy winning television? No. But it'll keep you occupied until The Real World starts! And from the clips I've seen it does look less exploitive than other shows *cough, Wife Swap, cough*

The Baby Borrowers

Embed Great Saturday Night Live Videos!
Embed Great Saturday Night Live Videos!


Jordana said...

OMG, I just had to google that nonsense to see if it was real. This is going to make the RIGHT WING superbly happy having these unmarried teens living together. The amazing untouched waters of reality TV. I'm just so proud right now...I thought it was going to be an SNL sketch. Yup, yes I did.

Mon Chi Chi said...

Ha! I love the fact you just couldn't believe it was true.