Thursday, June 26, 2008

Jorja Fox's Movie Career Apparently Not Taking Off As Quickly As She Hoped

Jorja Fox will be back on CSI very early in the upcoming season. When last we saw her, Sarah Sidle was slinking out of Vegas in search of inner peace and a less psycho filled workplace. In an interview with TV Guide, Fox states that the episode involves an old friend with a dead wife.

While we've seen Sarah (presumably) on the phone will Gil Grissom during her absence, the status of their relationship is (presumably) off. Unless they've been having phone sex. Which I'd imagine would be awkward with Grissom. He's a stickler for proper grammar. While I never bought the relationship (Grissom dating a subordinate? Really?!), I'm actually excited to see Fox back to the show.

Sarah rolls back into town in either the 2nd or 3rd episode of 9th (9th!) season of CSI, called "My Happy Place".

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