Monday, June 2, 2008

Creator of Battlestar Talks To Wired

Wired Magazine has a great interview with Ronald D. Moore, the Showrunner and Executive Producer of Battlestar Galatica. Moore is one of the most open people in show business about the process of making a show - in addition to multiple interviews he has a blog and a podcast that really get into the detail of what it's like to produce a sci-fi drama.

He discusses his personal story, the difficulties in writing religion without turning into Touched By An Angel, and how easy it is for a writer to write themselves into a corner. One of the most interesting exchanges, however, is about the many message boards online for Galactica fans... an excerpt when you ask the monkey for more.

Moore: I do, I enjoy it. I like it. I have enough of the fan in me to appreciate what it is to be a fan... The danger is that you start reading those boards too closely.. . No one in the writers room really says, well, I was reading on the boards, and they don't like x, y, and z, so we shouldn't do that. That's happened once or twice and it's usually like stampeded to death, like, oh really, they don't like it when we do that? Well that's what were doing. We kind of go the other way. Oh, that'll piss them off? Well let's really piss them off. This'll really piss them off, that'll drive them insane. They'll say, oh, there's this guy who really hates the show, and all he talks about is how much he hates Starbuck. Oh, yeah? OK. Let's do a Starbuck episode.

Grab the rest here:

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