Thursday, June 26, 2008

My Secret Handy Boyfriend: Mike Rowe

I adore him for several reasons... let me list just some. His yummy smooth voice. His obvious respect for those with very dirty occupations. The fact that very often, he looks like he hates his life (usually while shoveling poo). The fact that Gleek and I once spent an hour trying to analyze his home furnishings in an effort to figure out if he's married. Closet screamed single! *Note: we weren't at his apartment, they filmed there. We only stalk with legal footage. I crush on him because one of his crew guys, Barksey, calls him Forehead The Mighty. I slobber over him because it seems like he'd be very handy in cases of extreme danger (In Emergency, Open Mike Rowe). I wanna pet him because he acts like the type of guy who would accidentally light the garage on fire and then later sheepishly admit he had been building a jet pack with instructions from the Internet.

Oh - and the show's great too. See bloopers and Forehead The Mighty below!!!

Dirty Jobs
Season Premier July 29th
Discovery Channel - Check local listings

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