Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Jill Dineen Band

My friend Jill fronts a blues band, and they played one of their first gigs at the Double Door in Charlotte, NC over the weekend. Bluesie-kinda-guys like Eric Clapton and Stevie Ray Vaughan have played there, so I hope they're on their way to being a big deal.

Jill knows how much I love music, so she took me up to the green room after their show. I snapped this shot on my cell phone for the rest of you to enjoy. My first thought when I saw this room was also my first thought when I stepped inside the bathroom at Studio 54...there's been a lotta drugs done in this room!

1 comment:

Mon Chi Chi said...

Uh, I want tracks to Jill's band, I want links, I want interviews. More!