Sunday, August 31, 2008

Juno in Juneau

There are now rumors circulating that Gov. Sarah Palin's newborn baby is not her child but her, duh duh duh duh, GRANDCHILD.

Click HERE to read the article.

I don't know if it is true but man, it certainly puts the GOP in gossip.


Mon Chi Chi said...

It's a pretty vicious rumor, in my opinion.

Monkey See, Monkey Doodoo said...

Lighten up, Francis.

Anonymous said...

Tell the truth. This post is because you think Karl Rove is hot and you want him to ask you out, right? ;-)

Monkey See, Monkey Doodoo said...

Interesting development. Wag the Dog, anyone?

Anonymous said...

Honestly? I thought this type of salacious news designed only to get the press off of legitimate topics was disgusting when Clinton was being taken to task for a blow job and I still think it reeks. I guess the Dems thought if you can't beat Karl Rove then join him :-(