Friday, May 16, 2008

The Best Show On TV: New Battlestar Galactica Tonight

It's okay if you disagree with me about Battlestar being the best show on TV. You can nominate your favs in the comments. However, you would be wrong. BG is the best show on TV right now, period. Preview for tonight's all new episode after the jump. (Spoilers are up through last week, so be forewarned.)

From the preview Sci Fi showed, we'll be seeing Athena get a wee bit possessive over Hera. Which I understand, but why is the cute little Hybrid running around the Galactica unsupervised? And who the frack is babysitting these kids anyway? Helo and Athena just spent two months with Kara/Kurtz, and as far as I can tell, the only available sitter might have Duala, whom the writers have treated like a boxed Cylon. (Hmm... possible suspect for the 13th?)

And speaking of boxed Cylons... we should be running into a Three at some point. However, I'm not sure when they're going to unbox her, because the show would end rather abruptly if she could point at six individuals, say the word Cylon, and be done. My guess is that if she's unboxed relatively soon (by which I mean in the 2008 season finale, to be cliffhung until the 2009 premier of the last half of the season), then she'll most likely refuse to reveal the remaining six right away. If it's one thing this show loves, it's some dramatic tension.

The episode is called 'Guess What's Coming To Dinner', referring to Starbuck showing up with a Basestar for Mom & Dad, not to mention evil Boyfriend Leoban. I'd have to double check, but I do believe that's the first punny title of a show. Typically they are extremely straightforward ("33" or "Collaborators") or poetic ("Six of One", "Measure of Salvation"). It would be kind of awesome if they just decided to randomly script Battlestar: The Sitcom this episode. (I'd vote for a Nicky accidentally getting away from his nanny Duala and piloting a Raptor! Highjinks!)

Will Tory get more evil? Probs. Will Starbuck freak the frak out at some point tonight? Totes. Will Mary McDonnell continue to prove that the Emmy Awards are absolute bullshit? You bet your ass.

Battlestar Galactica
10/9C Sci Fi
Preview Here:


1 comment:

Jordana said...

Um No argument there! IT is the BEST SHOW on TV. Whoever says otherwise can get off the bus!!!