Cut to yesterday morning, 6 am, I'm checking my email on my blackberry before I get out of bed (yep, I'm THAT girl) -- imagine my ELATION upon opening an email from a fabulous friend on the east coast entitled "I will do anything in my power to get you this hat" and then seeing SJP on the red carpet at the London premier of the movie. Once again she proves to be my style hero. She takes risks and wins BIG with this one! It is nothing short of brilliant. Let's dissect it, shall we?? The look can be broken down into 2 components: The Hat and The rest.
*The Hat: Let's be honest, it is a work of art. Perhaps I feel this way because I would hope that when faced with the decision to make a bold fashion statement, I would error on the side of this hat!! Therefore the natural defense for such a choice would either be "Because I can" or "It's a work of art" or both! Some background on the hat: Apparently SJP approached designer Phillip Treacy last week about making her a hat for the premier (after all, it IS London) and didn't see the finished product until 2 hours before the event. When asked by People magazine what Mr. Treacy's inspiration for the design was, Nina Farnell-Watson, his spokes-person (because every hat designer needs a spokes-person) replied "Well, his mother kept chickens and geese, so he loves feathers and manipulating feathers". Curious. For future reference Phillip, the purpose of having a "spokes-person" is so that you don't look like an idiot. You are designing a work of art for one of the most iconic fashionistas in the world and the best your "spokes-person" could come up with was your mother's chickens and geese!? I mean, HONESTLY!!!
*The Rest: Although the hat has been getting all of the attention, the rest of the look is super fabulous as well. The leaf-green silk tulle custom-made dress by Alexander McQueen (um, duh.) is so spring time in the city! It is young and fresh and I LOVE it! Throw in some vintage platinum jewels by Fred Leighton and finish it off with a pair of emerald green patent leather peep-toed Christian Louboutin heels, and my friends you have yourself a fashion statement! I can't wait to see what she pulls out for the NYC premier!
So, cheers and snaps to SJP, who time and time again shows us that fashion can be risky and FUN! Tonight I will be crawling under my bed and digging out my hat boxes filled with lovely hats (both vintage and new). I have been saying for quite some time now that the hat needs to be reinvented. So thanks SJP, I am now inspired to put those thoughts in to action. I will take the fashion torch and run with it!
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