Thursday, May 15, 2008

Cpt. America is just L-I-V-I-N

Matthew McConaugh-HEY is in talks to play Captain America.

That is a decision I can get behind. Who am I kidding? That's a decision I'd get in FRONT of.


PS The picture to the RIGHT is the first in a long, series where this blogger will objectify the male body by highlighting and showing images of hot men's DAVIDS.

PSS What is a DAVID? Well, it is the gorgeous indentation on the sides of men's hip (well some), taken from the classic "David" sculpture. They are natural signposts. An arrow, if you will, pointing towards a man's holy grail.

PSSS This POST was NOT just an excuse to show a naked man and his pubes.

PSSSS Okay, maybe it didn't start that way but it turned into it.

PSSSSS Don't you judge me, Earl.

1 comment:

Mon Chi Chi said...

I approve this post, the theme to this post, and any other posts using this theme in the future.