Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Step One

So about nine years ago, Gleek and I were sitting in a hot tub, extremely drunk.  This was not in any way unusual, it was during a six week period in which we drank every day.  (Not as easy as it sounds, by the way - there were rules, the primary of which was that we still had to go to class and work every morning, otherwise, we felt, we'd be alcoholics.  Such is logic of the young liver.)  In our drunken stupor, we decided we were going to take over the world.  Our plan began with the phrase "Step One: Get A Monkey".  (There were other steps involving a midget hooker and a crack pipe, but the details are fuzzy and illegal in 90% of UN Charter nations.) So when we decided to do a blog dedicated to our favorite culture crap, the title was obvious.  

We've bought along some friends, each with the appropriate moniker and an area of expertise. We'll try to be witty, we'll try to be smart, but we won't attempt to have reverence for much.  This will be more like a conversation over cocktails than anything else.  And cocktail hour is a place in which we excel.


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