Thursday, May 15, 2008

California Love

Yeah I'm referencing a Tupac song...and not just so I can talk about how I don't believe Tupac is dead. (Honestly though. How could he have possibly had that amount of material recorded that would allow him to release that many albums posthumously????) No, no. It's because I love Tupac and I love California. Snaps to them and their Supreme Court. Today they became the second state to allow same-sex marriages after Massachusetts . I know some religious groups are going to protest and say that this means that this opens to the door to people marrying pandas, but they can all bite me. Butterstick and I don't need a piece of paper to validate our love...

But yay for California granting some basic civil rights. I really hope they don't fall into the ocean like my Nana says they're going to.

1 comment:

Mon Chi Chi said...

It's about fucking time my little brother has the legal right to make a colossal mistake in judgement!